
Hi but Tommarow is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ill tell you why because I’m going to Melford to see my Nan and then were going to Bury and on the way there I’m gonna play Pokemon go her phone cause im her #Poke-Buddy and i can only get Pikachus and things she dose not have. The reason why were going the is because there are tons of Pokestops and Pokemon on the way there but were Actully going there to go to the  Abbey Gardens and after that we might even go watch Finding Dory in the Cinemas how Awesome will Tommarrow be see you Tommarow or later Bye!

Soon its my BIRTHDAY!

Hi I’m so sorry i have not written in a long time but on the 22nd its my Bday!


We might be going on holiday 23/8/16 to 30/8/16 ,but my sisters birthday is the 29th but she might come Visit us. Ely and I want to stay at Burlington Palm Hotel but we might not.For my birthday I really want a Trampoline because theres so much space in our garden, and there so much fun right now, its the summer holidays.

Im not in the same class as my BFFs but I’m ok i still have Amy though.Gotta stop.Talk later Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Easter Holiday

Hey guys, this is a bit late but its ok.

Over my Easter holidays i have had fun with my family! When it was Easter Eve my Nan came round and slept over. On Easter day we had a roast dinner it was really scrumptious!!!!!! Then some of us ate our eggs i only ate a chocolate bunny 😉 We had our Easter egg hunt it was really fun.

The next day i woke up late. Later that day my Nan hid some coins and me and my sister Elyannah aka Bean…. had a coin hunt,but we didnt find the 10ps and there still hidden to this very day!!!!

Thats it guys i will talk to you in my next post.  Byeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!