
Hi but Tommarow is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ill tell you why because I’m going to Melford to see my Nan and then were going to Bury and on the way there I’m gonna play Pokemon go her phone cause im her #Poke-Buddy and i can only get Pikachus and things she dose not have. The reason why were going the is because there are tons of Pokestops and Pokemon on the way there but were Actully going there to go to theĀ  Abbey Gardens and after that we might even go watch Finding Dory in the Cinemas how Awesome will Tommarrow be see you Tommarow or later Bye!

Author: Ophelia

I am 8 years old. My name is Ophelia. I love chocolate and Shopkins. I dislike Spiders. My best friends are Eless,Cassie,Zuzzana and Lyla.